my favourite things

Saturday 20 August 2011

The countdown to 30 has begun....

Its been a great busy few weeks in my household, and it hit me today - that is just over 3 weeks till I turn the age that I thought was middle-aged back in my teens.....I will be 30yrs old.

Now granted good living and genetics have meant that there is a chance I will still be asked for ID at a night club if I was to go out, but surely this age is now more the new "21"? (I keep telling myself I'm still in my prime anyway!)

Here are some of some of my favourite outfits of choice in the past week:

Today was church day, which funnily enough comes every Sunday, and thought I would share my essentials for when I am running late out the door.  Here is what I have with me each Sunday, as they have been adapted of lately given the "Wasp Sunday" event :)

Church Essentials - Blackberry, Gospel Principles manual for RS, My Ipod with my Scriptures on it, and the new addition of the Allegy tablets (just in case!)

Thursday 4 August 2011

How to make your own Tshirt Shrug....what a brilliant idea!

Found this great idea for making a cardigan cover-up using any cheap/old/expensive tshirt that you have lying around. 

All you need is a tshirt, sewing machine/needle & thread, some pretty thread or cord and follow these simple instructions.  Fantastic idea if you ask me and they look great.  Haven't quite worked up the confidence to make one, but think I will set myself the challenge soon.

Picture from

If you are brave enough to make your own, let me know as I would love to share your pictures of your results too....

Its been a long back to the outfits of choice

Yep, I had forgotten all about this blog for a while and even though I continue to check daily my favourite blogs with the thought "oh I must do mine too" - time passes quicker than you realise.

My favourite thing about reading other blogs is that I get inspiration and new ideas for my own life.  One thing I love is looking at fashion blogs to get ideas of new combinations or styles that maybe I could try and look nice in too.  

Here are some of my favourite outfits these past few weeks.  I am a geek and I work as a paid geek selling IT technology to big Global customers for a very well known computer computer (I'll give you a clue - sounds like Bell!).  I love my job and believe that if you go to work dressed and mentally prepared to be successful and work hard - you will be rewarded.

This last outfit with the flower skirt is going to be one that stays in my memories.  This was my church outfit on Sunday when I was sitting in Relief Society and a wasp flew up my skirt and stung me.  It was my first time being stung by a Wasp, and a time I certainly won't forget!!  Thankfully we have a nurse in RS so all was well and I'm alive to tell the tale.

I've quite enjoyed sharing my outfits of lately, so hope to do the same (remember to take pictures of them each day and pick the best).  It has also let me see exactly what I wear in my wardrobe, which is exactly what I need to know to make sure that I don't have lots of clothes I am keeping and never wearing.  All part of my big plan....